Contao Web Design Gallery
Essential Contao resources
Here you can find selected web resources such as: tutorials, plugins, templates and galleries for Contao. If you're looking for special Contao blogs, there's such a list as well.Did we miss a really great Contao site with resources? Tell us!
Honorable mention: Live update service!
Contao tutorials
- Official tutorials - the develop wiki has some well done German and English tutorials
- Official Screencasts - well done screencasts (installing, create pages, news module, customizing, search function, ...)
Contao extensions
- Official list - third party Contao extensions
Contao templates
- Official templates - some simple Contao templates
Contao showcases
- Official Forum - the Contao forum has one thread called showroom
- Typolight UK - has an own Contao showcase page